Corinth Basket: NB83 B85 P30
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB83 B85 P30
Area:   Korakou
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   83
Context:   85
Page:   30
Date:   1916/06/22
Stratum:   House M, megaron NW corner
Notes:   We sunk a trench at the NW corner of the megaron of M house to a depth of about 45 cm below the top of the wall and found that this corner is occupied by a mass of foundation. As this foundation is near the door it may have something to do with a cloakstand or a seat.
[James-Nakassis: The Megaron is the main room of House M. It is not completely clear what the relationship is between B77 and B85. B77 found the height of the wall at 54 cm. This implies that they found the bottom of the wall. B85 was dug down to 45 cm from the top of the wall. Thus, B77 and B85 were both below B58, presumably at about 18 cm below ground, but B77 went 8 cm deeper than B85.]
Site:   Korakou
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece