Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 10081
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 10081
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Wall
Title:   Wall (Crosswall)
Category:   Cut
Notebook:   1104
Context:   10081
Page:   0
Date:   2009/02/10
Description:   Structure materials: Reused squared limestone blocks, unworked cobbles, roof tile fragments.. Material size: Max. squared clock=0.75x0.43x0.53m. Ave. cobble=0.. Material finish: Some squared limestone blocks, primarily unworked. Material construction: Roughly coursed rubble masonry. Material bonding: none evident. Features: none.
Notes:   Alicia Carter
Size of Materials: Max. squared clock=0.75x0.43x0.53m. Ave. cobble=0.24.x0.18 (W. not visible).
Finish of Stones: Some squared limestone blocks, primarily unworked cobbles.
This wall is being recorded now as part of a plan to apply to have walls be removed in this part of the site in order to reveal the 11th century AD phase of a house for public display. This wall was revealed during excavations in 1091 recorded in NB 229. It was not given a 1961 wall number but appears on sketch, pg. 188. The current state of preservation of this wall is fair, mostly due to the large squared limestone block resting atop the lower courses of stones and protecting them from the elements. This wall is on the same alignment as wall 10082 to the east, with a gap of 0.90m separating the two. The east end of 10081 and the West end of 10082 at this gap are fair-faced and not jagged, suggesting that this gap was purposefully created as a doorway. Walls 10081 and 10082, which abut or overlay walls 10083 and 10086 should be interpretted as a crosswall with a doorway that was built after 10083 and 10086. This would have split an original room defined by 10083 to the east, wall 10079 to the south, and 10086 to the west. The north wall of this proposed room is not extant.
Grid:   282.79-281.58E, 1030.2-1030.86N
XMin:   281.58
XMax:   282.79
YMin:   1030.2
YMax:   1030.86
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.84-86m.