Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 1215
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 1215
Area:   Nezi Field
Title:   Floor cut by 1216, W of Wall 1196, under Wall 746
Category:   Structure
Notebook:   1107
Context:   1215
Page:   0
Date:   2013/06/08
Stratum:   Packed light brown clay
Description:   Structure materials: Packed light brown clay.. Features: Floor cut for upside-down stewpot 1217, cut 121.
Notes:   1215 extends under Wall 746, and accordingly has no E-W coordinates.
Stone posthole feature appears to overlay this floor (the northern stone at least); small circular cut made into for stewpot 1217.
Excavation of floor 1203 has revealed this packed clay floor, c.10-15 cm below 1203. Several features were also clarified during this excavation:
1) the eastern extent of floor 1215 appears to underlie posthole feature 1196 (the northern stone at least). The southern stone appears to be embedded in the floor. Perhaps the floor and 1196 were contructed at the same time and part of floor 1215 was laid against the southern stone of 1196.
2) Floor 1215 was cut (1216) for the insertion of the upside-down stewpot (1217), which dates the floor to the Late Classical Period (2nd half of the 4th c. BCE). This shallow cut was only c. 5 cm deep in order to accommodate the rim of the vessel. This is interesting because it proves that the vessel was used/venerated for at least two phases; floor 1215 was cut for it, and floor 1203 was laid against it.
3) Floor 1215 was found to underlie Wall 746. Excavation has now revealed the bottom of Wall 746, and we can conclude that all previous levels were actually cut for the construction of this wall. It is probably contemporary with Wall 851, 1137, and 5334. It is interesting that we did not encounter a foundation trench for this wall in any of our previous levels, but it is clear that just underneath the wall is a thin layer of darker brown soil, and this thin layer is resting on top of floor 1215, which extends under the Wall to the West.
1215 is unexcavated.
YMin:   1012.7
YMax:   1013.54
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   85.58m.