Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 5407
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 5407
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Fill
Title:   2nd deposit in martyr left by 1960's excavations u
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1101
Context:   5407
Page:   0
Date:   2008/05/08
Stratum:   5-10% inclusions: little fragmented pottery, marl chunks, some ash and charcoal, few mixed cobbles, roof tile.
Description:   Top slope of the context is level. The soil color is light yellowish brown. The soil compaction is firm. The soil is moderately sorted. It is sandy silt.
Notes:   We are excavating under 5401 in order to understand the construction sequence of Walls 5395 and its relationship to Wall 5394. 5407 exposed more stones of 5395. It also revealed the ash layer we saw in the northern scarp created by the 1960s excavation. Most significant is a founation trench was revealed for 5395. What is unclear and will have to wait for later excavation is whether the foundation trench cuts the ash deposit or if the ash deposit cuts the foundation trench. If the foundation trench cuts the ash deposit, it would suggest the northern terminus of foundation 5395.
Upon reaching the bottom of this deposit, we are left with two small patches of what was perhaps a foundation trench for Wall 5395 (one in the southern martyr under Wall 5376, and one under the northern martyr under Wall 5375). Because so little remains W of Walls 5394 and 5395, t is very difficult to understand the exact sequence of events concerning these walls. Therefore we have decided to start digging E of Wall 5394 where we have layer undisturbed by the 1960s excavations. This area between walls 5394 and 5430 (Wall 77 on the 1960s plan) had been cleaned the previous day, but no context was taken out since it was likely contaminated by fill out in last year to weigh down the plastic sheets. This cleaning revealed possible floor and foundation trenches for 5394 and Wall 58 to the S.
Context Pottery:   Fineware. amphora. 7 bodysherds. ; Fineware. pitcher. 1 bodysherd. ; Coarseware. pitcher. 1 bodysherd. ; Coarseware. amphora. 6 bodysherds.
Pottery Summary:   15 frag(s) 0.18 kg. (0% saved) coarseware.
    11 frag(s) 0.05 kg. (0% saved) cooking ware.
Grid:   273.18-272E, 1043.3-1044.2N
XMin:   272
XMax:   273.18
YMin:   1043.3
YMax:   1044.2
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.4-84.55m.
References:   Report: Nezi Field 2008 by Thanos Webb (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)