Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 5808
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 5808
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Fill
Title:   second to topmost fill of N-S robbing trench
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1101
Context:   5808
Page:   0
Date:   2008/06/05
Stratum:   30% inclusions: small tile fragments, small rounded pebbles, pottery, small angular cobbles
Description:   Top slope of the context is vertical down to the S. The soil color is dark brownish brown. The soil compaction is weakly cemented. The soil is well sorted. It is sandy silt.
Notes:   We excavated this second context within the putative robbing trench separately because we detected it while excavating the previous context (5798) in contrast to the softer soil that overlay it. It was defined by the pickman as harder in consistancy and was reserved for separate excavation. The soft soil surrounding it was taken as 5798, and that context stopped when a layer with ash was revealed going beneath the exposed W section of the robbing trench cut.
We were uncertain about the boundaries of this hard layer prior to excavation and were wondering whether it, as exposed, went within the E section of the N-S robbing trench. Working from S to N, the first thing that we observed was a softer section of the context running alongside the E-W wall spur within the 1960s courtyard. This represents the W foundation trench for that wall spur. The actual level at which it was excavated remains unknown, since it was done in the 1960s. But the differentiation is clear and indicates that the foundation trench for that wall spur is later and truncates the N-S robbing trench. Because some of the foundation trench dirt mixed with the robbing trench dirt, we did not sieve the entirety of this context.
Context Pottery:   Fineware. premedieval9 bodysherds. ; Coarseware. pitcher. 1 bodysherd. ; Coarseware. pitcher. 1 bodysherd. ; Fineware. coarse incised, slipped style VI (1200-1220), bowl. 1 bodysherd.
Pottery Summary:   11 frag(s) 0.18 kg. (0% saved) fineware.
    74 frag(s) 0.98 kg. (0% saved) coarseware.
    17 frag(s) 0.28 kg. (0% saved) cooking ware.
Context Artifacts:   glass clear bluish diam. 0.04, base 1; chert flake 1; stone tessera white 2, black 2; glass clear yellowish handle 1; iron knife blade l. 0.052, 1; glass clear colorless thickened rim 1; iron hook? 1; iron knife blade l. 0.105, 1; iron nail square shank 2; iron point 1; iron flat strip 1; glass clear bluish bs 12, clear greenish bs 6, clear yellowish bs 4, clear colorless bs 1
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   3rd quarter to mid 13th c.
Grid:   265.23-264.5E, 1033.64-1034.75N
XMin:   264.5
XMax:   265.23
YMin:   1033.64
YMax:   1034.75
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.32-84.615m.
References:   Report: Nezi Field 2008 by Sarah Lima (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)