Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 6526
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 6526
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Wall
Title:   E-W Wall
Category:   Cut
Notebook:   1103
Context:   6526
Page:   0
Date:   2009/05/29
Description:   Structure materials: stone, tile. Material size: from 0.38mx0.29x0.22 to 0.08x0.07x0.03. Material finish: Mixed (roughly hewn; unworked). Material construction: Mixed (random coursed; random uncoursed). Material bonding: none. Features: Rectangular hole on s. face of wall near centre.
Notes:   Structure 6526 is an E-W wall located in the room immediately north of the courtyard of the Byzantine house. It abuts N-S wall 6016 to the east and runs into (and presumably under) wall wall 6321 to the west. It may be an extension of E-W wall 10111 in the room NW of the courtyard, but this cannot be 100% confirmed so we are giving it separate structure number just in case. The eastern half of wall 6526 appears different from the western half. The eastern side consists of larger roughly hewn blocks in a random coursed construction. The western side consists of smaller unworked blocks and tile in a random uncoursed construction. At the boundary on the east side is a rectangular hole cut out of several of the blocks (0.21mx0.22mx0.11m). This could represent a reused threshold block or a hole for a wooden beam which could suggest a basement level beneath the current level. IT is possible that the western section represents an area where the wall was robbed out or destroyed and rebuilt later in a different fashion.
Amended by DWL 2.6.9: Tis wall is disturbed to the North by cut 6536.
Amended by KG 3.6.9: This wall is now thought to consist of a rubble foundation below ground, possibly on top of an even lowere foundation of reused ashlar blacks as in the relationship between 6016 and 6566. TH larger stones on top of 6526 are being interpreted as the initial above ground course for 6526, but more excavation around the W end of wall 6526, in the NW corner of the room North of the courtyard of the Byzantine house is needed to make sure.
Grid:   268.95-265.34E, 1037.18-1038.32N
XMin:   265.34
XMax:   268.95
YMin:   1037.18
YMax:   1038.32
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   83.99-84.36m.
References:   Report: Nezi Field 2009 by Karl Goetze, Dan Leon (2009-05-25 to 2009-06-12)