Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 816
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 816
Area:   Nezi Field
Title:   Soft black fill in N of area
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1106
Context:   816
Page:   0
Date:   2012/05/14
Stratum:   Inclusions: pottery, 10%
Description:   The soil color is dark yellowish black. The soil compaction is soft. The soil is very poorly sorted. It is sandy silt.
Notes:   This context immediately produced a significant amount of modern pottery. It seems to constitute a futher removal of the fill of a late pit in the NE area of the trench.
As Thanasis excavated, he came down on a few large rocks in the W portion of the context. This soft fill seems to go around these blocks. In the E portion of this context, he seems to be coming down on a harder packed yellowish fill. The western balk of this context seems to coincide with the eastern of 791. The rocks mentioned earlier were removed as part of this fill. However underneath those rocks Thanasis appeared to come down on more white rocks in situ.
Context Pottery:   Coarseware. Coned1 bodysherd. ; Fineware. Transfer decorated, dish. 1 rim. ; Fineware. Grottaglie, plate. 1 rim. ; Fineware. Pre early modern3 bodysherds. ; Fineware. Iznic, dish. 1 rim. (saved to lot) .
Pottery Summary:   7 frag(s) 0.15 kg. (14% saved) fineware.
    13 frag(s) 0.5 kg. (0% saved) coarseware.
    12 frag(s) 0.25 kg. (0% saved) cooking ware.
Context Artifacts:   iron, nail, round, 1; iron, round shaft, flat oval top, two prong base, 1; iron, nail, shaft, round, 1
Period:   Early Modern (1831-1949 AD)
Chronology:   late 19th C
Grid:   261.71-261.09E, 1014.3-1015.07N
XMin:   261.09
XMax:   261.71
YMin:   1014.3
YMax:   1015.07
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   85.49-86.1m.