Corinth Basket: Temple E, Southeast, context 1022
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Temple E, Southeast, context 1022
Area:   Temple E, Southeast
Context Type:   Skeleton
Title:   Disarticulated Skull Against Structure 1016
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1110
Context:   1022
Date:   2016/06/09
Notes:   This is a disarticulated cranium resting beside the north edge of the western tile of structure 1016 in grave 2016-09. It has a mandible possibly associated with it, as the mandible is wedged under the cranium, but not articulated with it. The cranium faces east with the bottom of the skull in the north. The mandible is on the east side. No other diarticulated remains seem to be laid on the tile covering or near it, like this cranium and mandible. This cranium is essentially wedged in to the north scarp of the grave cut (cut 1023).
After excavating inhumation 1025 and further consideration of the fill (1024) and cut (1023) contexts, it was determined that this cranium is part of the grave (unnamed) to the north of Grave 2016-09. However, because it was almost completely exposed and there was not intention of excavating the northern grave this season, I decided that the cranium and associated mandible should be removed so as to preserve their structural integrity. Exposure to the elemnts for a year or more would have severely weakend the bone and likely resulted in the damage of the cranium prior to or during excavation next year. As it is now, the cranium is quite well preserved and will provide excellent craniometric data as well as be assessable for sex estimation. As we excavated the skull out, we were careful not to proceed too far into the scarp so as to preserve any remains close to the cranium and mandible in the northern burial.
Chronology:   13th c. or earlier
Grid:   124.75-124.55E, 1068.8-1068.95N
XMin:   124.55
XMax:   124.75
YMin:   1068.8
YMax:   1068.95
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.81-84.93m.
References:   Image: digital 2016 0603
Image: digital 2016 0641