Corinth Image: bw 1972 086 22Trench XI, North. Osteotheke AN . Number 1: floor of osteotheke, number 2: preserved top of wall of osteotheke, number 3: bottom of Basket 119, number 4: early red fill. Gully between number 3 and number 4 is bottom of Basket 120
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Image
Name:   bw 1972 086 22
Title:   Trench XI, North. Osteotheke AN . Number 1: floor of osteotheke, number 2: preserved top of wall of osteotheke, number 3: bottom of Basket 119, number 4: early red fill. Gully between number 3 and number 4 is bottom of Basket 120
Year:   1972
Roll Number:   086
Frame Number:   22
Photographer:   Robinson, H.S.
View:   From Southeast
Notes:   Film: Temple Hill Film Type: Kodak Plus X, ASA 125
Date:   31/7/1972;2/8/1972
Context Name:   NB525 P152
Area:   Temple Hill
Area Description:   Trench XI
Media Type:   Black and white 35mm strip negative
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Temple Hill
Notebook Page: NB 525, spread 81 (p. 153)