
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 95 (pp. 172 - 173)

172 173 Pg. 172, 11/6/1937, Drawing, bone knife Pg. 172, 11/6/1937, Drawing, bronge nail Pg. 172, Q : T : 22 :24, 11/6/1937, MF 7010, 2 laumps Pg. 173, V : X :10 :12, 11/6/1937, C 1937 2875 Pg. 173, V ... 11/6/1937 ... NB 163, spread 95 (pp. 172 - 173)


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 167, spread 49 (pp. 413 - 414)

413 414 Pg. 414, Walls v w : 43 46; t v : 49; s t : 42 49; g t : 43, 10/5/1937, 1985-160-34, g t : 43 ... 10/5/1937 ... NotebookPage


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 173, spread 77 (pp. 136 - 137)

136 137 Pg. 136, Glass fctory-Q:T:5:9, 10/11/1937, C 1937 2443, stamped amphora handle Pg. 137, Strosis V, 10/11/1937, I 1937 ... 10/11/1937 ... Pg. 136, Glass fctory-Q:T:5:9, 10/11/1937, C 1937 2443, stamped amphora handle ... Pg. 137, Strosis V, 10/11/1937, I 1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 133, spread 79 (pp. 119 - 120)

119 120 Pg. 119, Area V-W: 18-30 (p 96), 5/5/1933, CL 1710, BRONEER TYPE XXVIII LAMP WITH SIGNATURE; lamp Type XXVIII Pg. 119, Area V-W: 18-30 (p 96), 5/5/1933, MF 3823, BONE BUTTON; bronze lid Pg. 119, ... 5/5/1933, 6/5/1933, 7/5/1933 ... NB 133, spread 79 (pp. 119 - 120)


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 87 (pp. 162 - 163)

162 163 Pg. 162, From N. extension of Trench S 4, KL 115, MINIATURE LAMP BRONEER TYPE V; Miniature lamp Pg. 162, From N. extension of Trench S 4, T 11-4, Part of archaic face Pg. 162, From N. extension ... Pg. 162, From N. extension of Trench S 4, KL 115, MINIATURE LAMP BRONEER TYPE V ... Pg. 162, From N. extension of Trench S 4, T 11-4, Part of archaic face ... Pg. 162, From N. extension of Trench S 4, KT 75 13, Unknown object


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 108, spread 42 (pp. 74 - 75)

74 75 Pg. 74, T 2 47 Pg. 74, KT 1 115, upper part of figure Pg. 74, Miscellaneous, KT 65 7, piece of clay Pg. 74, Miscellaneous, KT 117, miniature lamp of early 5th c B.C Type Pg. 74, Miscellaneous, KM ... 26/4/1929 ... NotebookPage