Corinth Notebook Page: NB 107, spread 56 (pp. 102 - 103)
Entry:   Pg. 102, 9/11/1929, Coin 112, CORINTH TIBERIUS
    Pg. 102, 9/11/1929, Coin 761, VALENTINIAN II
    Pg. 102, 9/11/1929, CL 2129, roman lamp with double spirals on the rim
    Pg. 102, 9/11/1929, MF 2508, bone pin
    Pg. 102, 9/11/1929, MF 4009, theatre ticket
    Pg. 102, 9/11/1929, MF 2520, small piece of bone without marks
    Pg. 102, 9/11/1929, I 983, inscription on thin marble slab
    Pg. 102, 9/11/1929, CL 2122, fragment of early Roman lamp with athlete representation
    Pg. 103, 9/11/1929, MF 2492, small glass
    Pg. 103, 9/11/1929, C 1929 101, fragment of arretine vase
    Pg. 103, 9/11/1929, MF 2807
    Pg. 103, 9/11/1929, MF 2808
    Pg. 103, 9/11/1929, CL 2121, roman lamp
Date:   9/11/1929