Corinth Notebook Page: NB 135, spread 90 (pp. 170 - 171)
Entry:   Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, C 1933 300, coarse pot with decoration
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, MF 1795, bone ring
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, C 1933 302, coarse Byza
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, C 1933 299
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 599, sima with head of Zeus and also lions heads spouts
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, C 1933 333, piece of Arretine vase with stamp
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, I 1213, inscription with large letter
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 500, HALF OF TERRA COTTA LION'S HEAD
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 509
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 409
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 501
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 503
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 505
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 506
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 510
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 511
    Pg. 170, 24/5/1933, FS 540
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, MF 1848, bronze object
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, MF 1810, bronze object
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, MF 1811, bronze object
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, C 1933 289, Byzantine bowl
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, C 1933 844, Byzantine sherds
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, C 1933 845, SGRAFFITO BOWL; Byzantine sherds
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, C 1933 846, GREEN GLAZED CUP; Byzantine sherds
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, C 1933 847, WHITE WARE GREEN SPATTER JUG; Byzantine sherds
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, C 1933 848, BYZANTINE POLYCHROME FRGT.; Byzantine sherds
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, C 1933 849, BYZANTINE SGRAFFITO PLATE; Byzantine sherds
    Pg. 171, 24/5/1933, C 1933 850, BYZANTINE SGRAFFITO PLATE; Byzantine sherds
Date:   24/5/1933