Corinth Notebook Page: NB 143, spread 54 (pp. 97 - 98)
Entry:   Pg. 97, 12/5/1934, S 1787, fragment of marble drapery
    Pg. 97, 12/5/1934, MF 4730, bronge earing
    Pg. 97, 12/5/1934, Drawing, rough poros block with coarse painted stucco
    Pg. 98, cntd p 97, 12/5/1934, MF 3591, black stone button
    Pg. 98, cntd p 97, 12/5/1934, C 1934, FRAGMENT OF COARSE AND VERY LATE PLATE YELOW GLAZE; sherd of arretine like ware pith part of a bird stamped on it
    Pg. 98, cntd p 97, 12/5/1934, I 1368
    Pg. 98, Coins, 12/5/1934, C 1934 1227
    Pg. 98, Coins, 12/5/1934, C 1934 1228
    Pg. 98, Coins, 12/5/1934, C 1934 1225
    Pg. 98, Coins, 12/5/1934, C 1934 1226
Date:   12/5/1934