Corinth Notebook Page: NB 152, spread 21 (pp. 32 - 33)
Entry:   Pg. 32, 15/5/1936, CL 3316, Lamp with signature
    Pg. 33, 16/5/1936, C 1936 2371
    Pg. 33, 16/5/1936, C 1936 2373
    Pg. 33, 16/5/1936, C 1936 2357
    Pg. 33, 16/5/1936, C 1936 2358
    Pg. 33, 16/5/1936, C 1936 2359
    Pg. 33, 16/5/1936, MF 5335, Small terracotta head
    Pg. 33, 16/5/1936, MF 5600
    Pg. 33, 16/5/1936, MF 5458, Sherd of plastic vase?
Date:   15/5/1936, 16/5/1936