Corinth Notebook Page: NB 197, spread 77 (pp. 144 - 145)
Entry:   Pg. 144, Manhole, 21/3/1947, CL 3829, BRONEER TYPE V LAMP WITH DOUBLE NOZZLES; Type XX
    Pg. 145, NW corner of lerna, 24/3/1947, CL 3836, IMITATION NORTH AFRICAN LAMP; type XXXI
    Pg. 145, NW corner of lerna, 24/3/1947, CL 3837, BRONEER TYPE XXVIII LAMP; Type XXVIII
    Pg. 145, NW corner of lerna, 24/3/1947, CL 3838, BRONEER TYPE XXVIII LAMP; Type XXVIII
    Pg. 145, NW corner of lerna, 24/3/1947, CL 3839, BRONEER TYPE XXVIII LAMP; Type XXVIII
    Pg. 145, NW corner of lerna, 24/3/1947, MF 9013, scrap of terra cotta figurines
Date:   21/3/1947, 24/3/1947