Corinth Notebook Page: NB 207, spread 95 (pp. 178 - 179)
Entry:   Pg. 178, Photographs for the day, 9/5/1961, 1961-009-03, Roman Tomb Southwest of Tile Works, Graves 2 and 3, with Grave 6 in upper right corner
    Pg. 178, Photographs for the day, 9/5/1961, 1961-009-04, Roman Tomb Southwest of Tile Works, Graves 7 and 8
    Pg. 178, Photographs for the day, 9/5/1961, 1961-009-05, Roman Tomb Southwest of Tile Works, Grave 8 (amphora)
    Pg. 179, Tomb II; Niche to E. of A - East pit, 105/1961, NB207 B1, Tomb II; Niche to E. of A - East pit, L 4140 (MP 106)
Date:   9/5/1961, 105/1961