Corinth Notebook Page: NB 81, spread 62 (pp. 304 - 305)
Entry:   Pg. 304, I 729, Frgment of bluish marble slab
    Pg. 304, Well V, C, Coarse and a few Corinthian sherds
    Pg. 305, Well V, 24/7/1915, C, Several sherds (some Protocorinthian)
    Pg. 305, Well V, 24/7/1915, C, Corinthian and Protocorinthian sherds
    Pg. 305, Well V, 24/7/1915, C, Corinthian and black glaze pottery
    Pg. 305, Well V, 24/7/1915, C, Stamped amphora handle
Date:   24/7/1915