Corinth Notebook Page: NB 914, spread 55 (pp. 100 - 101)
Entry:   Pg. 100, Fill in NE corner of Long Building, over juncture of north and east walls, 27/4/1999, NB914 B56, Fill in NE corner of Long Building, over juncture of north and east walls, MF 1999 2 a, SILVER PENDANT EMPLOYING TURKISH COIN
    Pg. 100, Fill in NE corner of Long Building, over juncture of north and east walls, 27/4/1999, NB914 B56, Fill in NE corner of Long Building, over juncture of north and east walls, Coin 1999 55
    Pg. 100, Fill in NE corner of Long Building, over juncture of north and east walls, 27/4/1999, NB914 B56, Fill in NE corner of Long Building, over juncture of north and east walls, Drawing
    Pg. 101, 27/4/1999, NB914 B57, Drawing
Date:   27/4/1999