Corinth Notebook Page: NB 966, spread 89 (pp. 168 - 169)
Entry:   Pg. 168, Well 2002-2 east of Gr. 2002-11. Reddish-yellowish brown sandy clay with 10-20% cobbles, subrounded and angular, and 1% pebbles of all sizes, 15/4/2005, NB966 B95, Well 2002-2 east of Gr. 2002-11. Reddish-yellowish brown sandy clay with 10-20% c
    Pg. 169, Deposit west of Wall 190. Grayish brown silty sand with 70% medium to large rounded and subrounded pebbles and tabular angular cobbles, compact and weakly cemented, NB966 B96, Deposit west of Wall 190. Grayish brown silty sand with 70% medium to
Date:   15/4/2005