Corinth Notebook Page: NB 969, spread 27 (pp. 42 - 43)
Entry:   Pg. 42, 2004-0231, wall S of wall 275 (#?)
    Pg. 42, 2004-0232, wall S of wall 275 (#?) and continuation across trench
    Pg. 42, 2004-0327, wall 276 (273 in foreground, 275 in background)
    Pg. 42, 2004-0348, new wall revealed after expansion of B1 to north
    Pg. 42, 2004-017-0-A, clay destruction deposit; wall 274 (N) and 275 (S)
    Pg. 43, 2004-017-01-A, clay destruction deposit; wall 274 (N) and 275 (S)
    Pg. 43, 2004-017-02-A, clay destruction deposit; wall 274 (N) and 275 (S)
    Pg. 43, 2004-017-04-A, tile deposit north of wall 274, E of wall 275
    Pg. 43, 2004-017-05-A, wall 277 before removal
    Pg. 43, 2004-017-06-A, wall 277 before removal