Corinth Notebook Page: NB 979, spread 78 (pp. 139 - 140)
Entry:   Pg. 139, Upper edge of sarcophagus pit. Soil is medium/dark reddish brown sandy clay with 30% pebbles, 20% cobbles, loosish., NB979 B78, Upper edge of sarcophagus pit. Soil is medium/dark reddish brown sandy clay with 30% pebbles, 20% cobbles, loosish.
    Pg. 140, Drawing, Top plan Basket 78
    Pg. 140, Inner pit around sarcophagus. Soil is dark reddish brown sandy clay with 30% pebbles, 15% cobbles, loose., NB979 B79, Inner pit around sarcophagus. Soil is dark reddish brown sandy clay with 30% pebbles, 15% cobbles, loose., Lot 2006 20