Corinth Object: C 1934 1059
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   C 1934 1059
Category Code:   C
Year:   1934
Object Number:   1059
Description:   Bolsal with low flaring ring foot, rounded resting surface, flat undersurface. Deep body with convex to vertical profile, fine vertical lip. Max. d. at lip. Two horizontal loop handles attached below lip.
Decoration:   Exterior: circumference groove on lowr body.Stamped on floor: circumference ring, around which 4 unlinked palmettes. Black glaze over all except undersurface, reserved with black rings: dotted circle, thin line, broad black stripe midway to foot. Red wash over reserved part.
Material:   Fine light brown clay
Munsell Color:   Slightly pinker than 7.5YR 6/4
Condition:   Complete profile. Seventeen joining frgts.,1/2 foot, ca. 1/4 body to lip, most of one handle, start of second.
Manufacture:   C26
Dimensions Actual:   H00.051 D00.069 (foot) D00.114 (lip)
Period:   5th c. B.C.
Chronology:   Third quarter 5th c. B.C.
Area:   Forum southwest
Context:   NB144 P194
Provenance:   Attica
Bibliography:   Pease, Hesperia 1937 P274 N041 Figs. 15-16
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Pease, Hesperia 6:2, 1937
Monument: Forum southwest
Basket: NB144 P194