Corinth Object: C 1936 1500
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   C 1936 1500
Category Code:   C
Year:   1936
Object Number:   1500
Description:   Plate with vertical ring foot, rounded resting surface, recessed nippled undersurface. Shallow wide-flaring body turning up slightly to oblique round lip.
Decoration:   White slip over all, thickly applied to interior. On interior, large wading bird with incised head, bill and body, sgraffito feathers and legs, walking to lt.; reserved circle for eye, feathered loops at top of legs. In field incised guilloche alternating with palm branch with incised stem, sgraffito fronds. Pale yellow glaze on interior and overlapping lip.
Material:   Moderately fine light red clay with frequent fine voids, fewer fine to medium red inclusions, fine white.
Munsell Color:   Slightly redder than 5YR 5/6
Condition:   Complete profile. Single frgt., complete profile; half foot, 1/3 body to lip.
Manufacture:   C70
Dimensions Actual:   H00.051 D00.091 (foot)
Dimensions Restored:   D00.21-00.215 (lip)
Period:   Late Byzantine (1059-1210 AD)
Chronology:   12th c.
Area:   South Stoa middle
Context:   NB152 P171
Provenance:   Corinth
Bibliography:   Corinth XI N1558; Corinth 20, 2003, p. 388, fig. 23.2 #17
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Morgan, Corinth 11, 1942
Monument: South Stoa middle
Basket: NB152 P171
Notebook Page: NB 152, spread 90 (pp. 170 - 171)