Corinth Object: C 1937 1405
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   C 1937 1405
Category Code:   C
Year:   1937
Object Number:   1405
Description:   Small bowl with hemispherical body curving out to oblique round lip.
Decoration:   White slip over all. Sgraffito decoration on interior: large interlocking circles cover interior; have edge of one circle on floor, parts of three on body. In center of circles modified Assyrian "Tree of Life" and boxed diamonds; interlocking ovals made into fish with mouth up, reserved head, scaley body, chevron tail. Pale yellow glaze in, marbled brown glaze out.
Material:   Moderately fine tan clay with frequent fine to coarser white, gray-black inclusions.
Munsell Color:   Near 10YR 6/3
Condition:   Fragment. Single frgt., complete profile from just above foot to lip. Ca. 1/5 body, 1/12 lip. Glaze, slip partly peeled away on exterior.
Manufacture:   C70
Dimensions Preserved:   H00.058
Period:   Late Byzantine (1059-1210 AD)
Chronology:   Late Byzantine, coins to Manuel I
Area:   Forum south central
Context:   NB173 P86
Bibliography:   Corinth XI N1053
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Morgan, Corinth 11, 1942
Monument: Forum south central
Basket: NB173 P86
Notebook Page: NB 173, spread 52 (pp. 86 - 87)