Corinth Object: C 1939 327
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   C 1939 327
Category Code:   C
Year:   1939
Object Number:   327
Description:   Lekythos with foot in two degrees, concave undersurface with central depression; narrow stem, nearly cylindrical body, flaring slightly to low, sloping shoulder; cylindrical neck; vertical strap handle attached to shoulder and neck, flaring rim and tapered, horizontal lip.
Decoration:   Symposium. Man reclines on couch, his head turned to right. Woman playing lyre sits on foot of couch, facing right. Alongside couch, table with food(?). Scene flanked by women seated on folding stools. Vine branches with fruit in field. Above, four rows of dots. On shoulder, tongues and rays. White: female flesh, fruit, lyre, decoration on couch and table, food(?) on table, stripes on man's drapery. Manner of the Haimon Painter.
Material:   Fine reddish yellow clay.
Munsell Color:   5YR 6/6 (reddish yellow)
Condition:   Complete or intact. Glaze flaking on body. Chips on lip and body under handle.
Manufacture:   C18 WM
Period:   5th c. B.C.
Chronology:   490-470 B.C.
Area:   Hexamilia Tombs
Context:   NB156 P87
Provenance:   Attica
Bibliography:   Brownlee, Hesperia 64.3, 1995, cat. 199.
Site:   Tombs, Heximilia
City:   Hexamilia
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Brownlee, Hesperia 64:3, 1995
Monument: Hexamilia Tombs
Basket: NB156 P87
Notebook Page: NB 156, spread 50 (pp. 87 - 88)