Corinth Object: KT 1031
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   KT 1031
Category:   Minor Finds
Category Code:   KT
Object Number:   1
Object Suffix:   031
Description:   Cylindrical female figurine with "beak" face. Eyes indicated by small ovals. Cap like hair, nearly reaches eyes. Thin applied necklace.
Decoration:   Eyed outlined in red. Trace of red for mouth. Hair painted red, three thort vert. lines painted at back of hair. Purple necklace. Elaborate necklace above, indicated in purple paint, consists of stripe all round neck with row of dots above and pendants below. Front of dress purple swastikas, similar swastikas on back. Wide puple border around bottom of skirt with fringe pattern at upper edge.
Material:   Light brown clay.
Condition:   Missing parts. Arms and part of base broken.
Manufacture:   HM.
Period:   Archaic (7th-6th c.)
Provenance:   Corinth
Findspot Description:   Potters' Quarter. Surface Find.
Bibliography:   Stillwell 1952, Corinth 15.2, cat. 11, p. 33; AJA XXXV, 1981, p. 23
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Image: bw 2000 017 20