Corinth Object: KT 1059
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   KT 1059
Category:   Minor Finds
Category Code:   KT
Object Number:   1
Object Suffix:   059
Description:   Flat torso of a female figurine with slightly uneven front and back and rounded shoulders.
Decoration:   Red slip over back and much of front. Two panels reserved, each with three dots.
Material:   Fine very pale brown clay with few small inclusions and few fine voids
Munsell Color:   10YR 8/4 (very pale brown)
Condition:   Fragment. One frgt preserving upper body and shoulders; decorative slip flaking
Manufacture:   F01 F HM
Weight Description:   0.007
Weight:   0.007
Area:   Potters' Quarter
Context:   NB108 P138
Provenance:   Corinth
Findspot Description:   Potters' Quarter, Trench XIII, South of Terracotta Factory, Near Deposit 1
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Potters' Quarter
Notebook Page: NB 108, spread 70 (pp. 138 - 139)