Corinth Object: KT 28140
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   KT 28140
Category:   Minor Finds
Category Code:   KT
Object Number:   28
Object Suffix:   140
Description:   Handmade horse and rider figurine; horse stands with weight evenly distributed across all legs, with thick triangular tail held at an upward angle. The rider leans back slightly and his hands attach to the base of the horse's neck. The rider's hands and feet are very flat and broad. Similar to KT 28-141, KT 28-142, and KT 28-143 from the same deposit and KT 28-139 (Stillwell 1952, Corinth 15.2, inv. XXIII, 35) from Deposit 2 (Stillwell says Deposit 1, but the notebook reference confirms Deposit 2).
Decoration:   White slip over all, red pigment on rider.
Material:   Fine very pale brown clay with frequent very fine inclusions and rare small voids
Munsell Color:   10YR 7/4 (very pale brown)
Condition:   Missing parts. One frgt preserving most of horse and rider, except for heads of both figures; white slip and pigment poorly preserved
Manufacture:   F07 M HM
Weight Description:   0.026
Weight:   0.026
Period:   4th c. B.C.
Chronology:   ca. 350-325 B.C. (Stillwell 1952, Corinth 15.2, p. 23)
Area:   Potters' Quarter
Context:   NB108 P142
Provenance:   Corinth
Findspot Description:   Potters' Quarter, Terracotta Factory, South of Court, Deposit 1
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Potters' Quarter
Notebook Page: NB 108, spread 72 (pp. 142 - 143)