Corinth Object: MF 11996
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 11996
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   11996
Description:   Handmade terracotta rattle in shape of bird, perhaps pigeon or dove. Beak rounded, with high, squared head. Body rounded, with short stubs for legs. Tail broad and flat. Tool marks from scraping tool. Figurine hollow with vent hole underneath between legs. Figurine painted in white slip or white paint. Small piece of clay inside (functioning rattle) produces high-pitched sound when shook.
Decoration:   White slip or white paint.
Material:   Fine clay, tiny red inclusions, voids.
Munsell Color:   10YR 7/3
Condition:   Complete or intact. Intact. Bottom of left leg chipped. Traces of white slip or white paint in places across entire surface.
Dimensions Preserved:   H. 0.065; L. 0.080
Period:   Classical
Chronology:   Late Archaic or Early Classical
Area:   Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore
Context:   NB283 B1 P160, LOT 2213
Bibliography:   Klinger, 2021, Corinth XVIII.8, no. 135
Site:   Acrocorinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore