Corinth Object: MF 14018
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 14018
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   14018
Description:   Figurine of draped standing male comic actor. Figure stands with bent left arm jutting out and grasping himation just above belly. Right arm appears to do same. Straight legs close together. Distended belly and flat, pared back. Wears short chiton belted above belly with himation draped over shoulders. Solid. Mouldmade with tooling on back. Cf. MF 2011 1.
Material:   Fine reddish yellow clay with very rare fine sparkling inclusions.
Munsell Color:   7.5YR 7/6 (reddish yellow)
Condition:   Fragment. Preserving left arm, most of torso, upper thighs; missing head, right arm, right shoulder, lower legs. Heavily chipped on back, some accretion build-up. Fairly worn.
Manufacture:   F08 M CO
Period:   4th c. B.C.
Chronology:   based on Corinth 18.4
Area:   Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore
Context:   NB295 B2 P39
    NB295 B2 P46
    NB295 B3 P36
    NB295 B1 P45
    NB295 B2 P46, LOT 4379
    LOT 4379
    LOT 3217
Bibliography:   Merker 2000, Corinth 18.4, cat. I42
Site:   Acrocorinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Merker, Corinth 18:4, 2000
Monument: Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore
Basket: NB295 B3 P36