Corinth Object: MF 2003 11
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 2003 11
Category Code:   MF
Year:   2003
Object Number:   11
Description:   Biconical loomweight with broad slightly concave bottom, straight flaring body to bevel at H00.013, straight sides above bevelling tapering to tip where impression of horizontal suspension hole; Profile VIII, cf. Corinth XII, no 1100.
Decoration:   Possible light brown wash over all.
Writing:   stamp. Stamp on bottom center resembling daisy flower head with larger deeper inner circle surrounded by eight smaller, slightly shallower, near-overlapping circles; total diameter of stamp 00.014.
Material:   Pale green clay with frequent medium spherical rounded and platy sub-rounded black and red inclusions, laminar vertical breaks.
Munsell Color:   5Y 8/2
Condition:   Missing parts. Single fragment preserving bottom except for chips, 1/3 of body and tip shallowly abraded.
Manufacture:   MM
Dimensions Actual:   D00.068 (max.) D00.050 (base)
Dimensions Preserved:   H00.071
Weight Description:   00.200
Weight:   00.200
Period:   5th c. B.C.
Chronology:   5th c. B. C. ?
Provenance:   Corinth
Findspot Description:   Reclaimed at main site from tourist by guard Panayiotis Psomas, 19/4/03.
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Image: bw 2003 010 13a
Image: bw 2003 010 14a