Corinth Object: MF 2005 2
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 2005 2
Category Code:   MF
Year:   2005
Object Number:   2
Description:   Reclining male figure, turned slightly to right, left elbow resting on two cushions, left hand holding cup or bowl. Mantle draped over left shoulder and upper arm, possibly also drawn over high, wide polos, passes under left forearm and falls in rounded edge over the front of the couch. Face oval framed by rounded hair. Upper right arm next to body. Mantle roll frames abdomen revealing navel, indication of chest and stomach muscles. Hollow, with handmade back paired down with knife. Similar to MF 1020 (Corinth XII, p. 36, no. 165, pl. 12), KT19-66 (Corinth XV.2, pp. 110-111, no. XIV.26, pl. 22), MF 13441 and MF 13440 (Corinth XVIII.4, p. 107, nos. C215 and C216, pl. 18).
Decoration:   Traces of white slip preserved all over figurine; red paint on chest. Similar to KT19-66 (Corinth XV.2, pp. 110-111, no. XIV.26, pl. 22).
Material:   Fine reddish yellow clay fired light gray at core with at least one large red spherical angular inclusion, rare fine sparkling inclusions, and rare fine voids.
Munsell Color:   Surface: 7.5 YR 6/6 (reddish yellow); Core: 10YR 7/1 (light gray)
Condition:   Missing parts. Single fragment, preserves head with polos, upper body, left arm and upper right arm, left half of couch. Lower body, legs, and right half of couch missing. Slip and paint almost completely worn off.
Manufacture:   F06 M CO
Dimensions Actual:   H. with polos to waist 0.042, H. of polos 0.005, H. of head 0.014, W. of shoulders 0.024, H. of couch 0.022, W. of couch 0.019
Dimensions Preserved:   L. of couch 0.028
Period:   Classical
Area:   Panaghia south
Context:   NB966 B97 P171, LOT 2005 006
Provenance:   Corinth
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Panaghia south
Image: bw 2005 025 07
Basket: NB966 B97 P171
Notebook Page: NB 966, spread 90 (pp. 170 - 171)