Corinth Object: MF 9341
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 9341
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   9341
Description:   Deep bowl. Slight flare at neck, rounded rim. Cylindrical body. Base unknown. Grose Group D.
Decoration:   Interior: 0.001 wide groove 0.007 below lip (can be felt from exterior). 0.045 below lip, band (0.09 tall) of horizontal bubbles appearing as lines around a single groove.
Material:   Clear amber glass. Frequent pinprick bubbles. A few horizontal wheel striations and bubble lines, especially near lip.
Condition:   Fragment. 1 fragment. Rim and several centimeters of body. Light iridescent weathering on interior, and deeper iridescent weathering in deep chips along edges.
Manufacture:   Cast. Wheel cut.
Dimensions Preserved:   L. 0.039, H. 0.059, Th. of rim 0.0047
Dimensions Restored:   Diam. of rim 0.155
Period:   Early Roman (44BC-1/2 2nd c AD)
Chronology:   possibly as early as 1st half 1st cent BC. Cf. Agora XXXIV #60. Closest Corinth parallel Corinth XII #587
Area:   South Basilica
Context:   NB155 P31
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: South Basilica
Basket: NB155 P31
Notebook Page: NB 155, spread 22 (pp. 30 - 31)