Corinth Object: S 1505
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   S 1505
Category:   Sculpture
Category Code:   S
Object Number:   1505
Description:   Standing female figure in chiton and himation with upper right arm at side, bent at the elbow. Left leg appears to have been relaxed Material of the chiton falls from the shoulders and clings to the chest in shallow ribbon-like V-folds. Chiton is girded with a cord and knotted above the navel. The folds gathered above the belt become increasingly thicker and more deeply cut towards the sides of the figure. The amount of material of the kolpos is greatest at the figure's right side. The folds below the belt are shallow, clinging and ribbon-like. Slightly flatter folds radiate from the 4 preserved buttons of the right sleeve, except at the back where the material falls free from the arm in broader, more deeply cut flat folds. The remains of a himation gathered in broad, slightly rounded folds, extends diagonally from the left shoulder blade area, down to area of right hip (perhaps then draped over the missing right forearm).
Material:   Fine-crystalled white marble with bluish discolourations.
Condition:   Fragment. Single fragment, torso from shoulders to just above hips; back preserved from shoulders to just below hips. Rt. arm preserved to elbow, lt. arm missing. Back of lt. shoulder and shoulder blade area missing, as is left side of figure from under arm pit.
Manufacture:   Rasp marks evident on most drapery surfaces. Drillwork evident in deep folds. Rough point work in caviry for the head.
Area:   New Museum
Context:   NB117 P138
Bibliography:   Corinth I.2 P222 N18 fig. 182; Hesperia 1981, P441
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: New Museum
Image: bw 3578
Image: bw 1967 017 03
Notebook Page: NB 117, spread 73 (pp. 137 - 138)