Corinth Object: S 1997 2
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   S 1997 2
Category:   Sculpture
Category Code:   S
Year:   1997
Object Number:   2
Description:   Right hand of a figure, probably female, half to 1/3 life-size. Hand flexed, with fingers bent, thumb pronated. Fingernails of first 3 fingers incised, lines on palm lightly incised; on inside of 1st and 2nd fingers, near tips, trace of strut or object held between thumb and fingers. Wrist joint worked with anathyrosis, hole D00.004 m. in center. Surface lightly polished.
Material:   Fine-crystalled white marble.
Condition:   Fragment. Four joining frgts., preserving right hand except for missing tip of thumb and little finger, broken strut between pads of index and middle finger. Joining surface at wrist.
Dimensions Actual:   W00.035 (palm) W00.028 (wrist)
Dimensions Preserved:   L00.088
Period:   Roman
Chronology:   Roman Context 4th-6th cent. NPD
Area:   Panaghia Villa
Context:   NB892 B66 P81
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Panaghia Villa
Image: bw 1997 016 27
Basket: NB892 B66 P81
Notebook Page: NB 892, spread 45 (p. 81)