Corinth Object: S 2002 1
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   S 2002 1
Category:   Sculpture
Category Code:   S
Year:   2002
Object Number:   1
Description:   Sculpted base at corner of a sarcophagus. Right short side undecorated as far as preserved, left short side preserving thin vertical band (W00.007) smooth next to unworked part, sculpted part of long side crowned by scotia.
Decoration:   On long side a lion is depicted pulling down a bull. The lion is shown with head in frontal view biting the back of the bull, with body in profile, right front leg on bull's belly, both rear legs shown behind the bull, tail curving down and upwards. The bull is depicted in agony with head turned sideways upwards in 3/4 view, right front leg crouched on the ground, left front leg bent, rear legs not preserved, tail shown in shallow relief on the rear body. Cf. S 779.
Material:   Marble
Condition:   Fragment. Single fragment preserving long sculpted side, broken at the bottom, but completely preserved on other sides, and parts of two short undecorated, as far as preserved, sides of base at corner of a sarcophagus. Broken on the back.
Manufacture:   HM
Dimensions Actual:   W00.186 (long side)
Dimensions Preserved:   H00.101 W00.198 T00.052 (max)
Period:   Roman
Chronology:   Roman
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Image: bw 2002 038 24