Corinth Object: S 2392
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   S 2392
Category:   Sculpture
Category Code:   S
Object Number:   2392
Old Number:   S-1997-001 (lapsed)
Related Objects:   S-XXXX-1616 ?
Description:   Artemis strides to her rt., torso frontal, lt. leg weight-bearing and trailing slightly, rt. leg bent and advanced 3/4 rt. She wears a short chiton to just above knees, fastened at shoulders, with long overfall to top of thighs. The whole is tied with a cord just below the breasts. The neckline falls in a soft V from the shoulders; a cross-band for the quiver runs from the rt. shoulder to below lt. breast. The overfall is blown into a series of 4-5, widely spaced S-shaped folds the ends of which are deeply undercut and upright and form a scalloped edge; a finely incised line follows the hem; on the surface of the overfall and lower skirt are finely incised "V"-shaped folds (?). The skirt is also blown to the rt.; a gathering of folds cross the rt. thigh to billow between the legs and over the lt. leg above the knee. In back, folds of overfall and skirt arranged in trumpet-shaped tubes that hang vertically, their ends not undercut as in front. Wears a quiver from rt. shoulder, decorated with a flat band at bottom, and middle. Dowel hole in center of neck, rectangular cutting into lower rt. base of neck; rectangular strut at lt. hip, round one on rt. hip on axis of rt. arm. Round support beneath skirt behind missing rt. leg. Rasp marks over much of drapery; drill in some folds; point on bottom of quiver, underside of overfall in back.Join: gives lt. leg to mid-calf; shod in high boot tied by crossing laces; ending in roll at top, with hanging piloi, front of which decorated with lion or panther face; behind leg is hindquarters of a dog that runs to proper rt., its tail curling up against Artemis' leg; flat chisel on its body. Type of Artemis Rospigliosi.
Decoration:   Cross incised on left thigh.
Mythology:   Artemis
Attributes:   Dog Quiver
Material:   Fine white marble with occasional grayish discolorations.
Condition:   Fragment. Single frgt., from base of neck to knees; missing both arms, head, front of rt. thigh, back of lt. shoulder, top of quiver; outer edges of drapery on sides and edge of chiton front broken off; rt. breast abraded, lt. partly sheered off; yellowish disco
Dimensions Preserved:   H00.95 (old) W00.28 (shoulders) H01.26 (ca., new)
Period:   Early Roman (44BC-1/2 2nd c AD)
Chronology:   Early Roman Context Byzantine
Area:   Forum southwest
Context:   NB176 P85
Bibliography:   AJA 1939 P266 Fig.9; LIMC II.1 P646 N277, pl. 469; Corinth 20, 2003.
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Morgan, American Journal of Archaeolog43:2... 1939
Monument: Forum southwest
Images (9)
Basket: NB176 P85
Notebook Page: NB 176, spread 49 (pp. 85 - 86)