Corinth Object: S 3780
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   S 3780
Category:   Sculpture
Category Code:   S
Object Number:   3780
Description:   Leg of life-sized figure, presumably male, bare from lower calf to ankle; possibly left leg with slight swell for start of calf muscle, beginning of outward curve over instep. Surface smoothed but not polished; no visible tool marks.
Material:   Fine-crystalled sparkling white marble, grain size under 1 mm., vertical foliation.
Condition:   Fragment. Single frgt., from base of calf to start of ankle; surface badly eroded, especially in back.
Dimensions Actual:   T00.050 (ankle, side-side) Depth00.061 (ankle, front-back)
Dimensions Preserved:   L00.125
Period:   Roman
Chronology:   Context mixed to 5th c. A.D.; grave 1st c. with later interments
Area:   Irrigation Channel Excavations
Context:   Irrigation Channel Excavations, Painted Tomb, upper fill
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Irrigation Channel Excavations
Basket: Irrigation Channel Excavations, Painted Tomb, upper fill