Corinth Object: T 37
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   T 37
Category:   Miscellaneous
Category Code:   T
Object Number:   37
Description:   Preserves lower part of draped goddess striding to right on plinth. The fragment is broken diagonally from about the proper right knee to the level of the left ankle, which, however, is not preserved. The goddess' right foot peaks, clad, from under the voluminous folds of the chiton, which is worn open on the figure's right. The folds fall flush against the floor of the plinth, from which they are separated by a deep running drill channel. The weight of the folds cause them to fall back slightly above the plinth and bend in varying degrees to the right. To the right of the leg the folds are organized by deeper, wider channels (these apperar deeper in photo than really are) into 4 groups, each of which contains 3 or more subdivisions. The group nearest the leg, which is the largest, also enacts the sharpest bend to the right and is likely to have continued up the figure to form a strong diagonal line in the composition and to carry the spectator's eye in the direction of the figure's movement and toward the center of the action, on the right. The drapery assumes transparency over part of the leg so as to reveal its form. The foot seems unusually large. The relief ground is worked both by the claw and flat chisels, the plinth only by the claw; smooth reverse.
Mythology:   Gigantomachy
Condition:   Fragment. Five joining fragments, part of left border and plinth preserved.
Dimensions Actual:   Th. 0.040-0.042, W. rt. foot 0.062
Dimensions Preserved:   H. 0.460, W. 0.490, H. drapery 0.280, W. drapery 0.440, Depth est. top plinth 0.170, L. plinth 0.343, L. l. border 0.320
Period:   2nd c. A.C.
Chronology:   2nd quarter of 2nd c. A.C. according to Corinth IX p.4-5
Bibliography:   Sturgeon, 1977, Corinth IX.2 G 11-3
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Sturgeon, Corinth 9:2, 1977