Corinth Object: V 273
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   V 273
Category:   Votive
Category Code:   V
Object Number:   273
Description:   Fairly naturalistic, life-sized left hand, thumb flexed, fingers probably curved. No lines or bones rendered but hand fleshy. Fingers adjoining, at least at base. Wrist hollow, hand solid, wrist bone modelled.
Decoration:   White slip, over which brown paint or stain, over which bits of thick ochre.
Material:   Fine light tan clay, gray at core.
Munsell Color:   Ca. 7.5YR 6.7/4
Condition:   Fragment. Two joining fragments, from below wrist to base of fingers, second finger to first joint.
Manufacture:   F28
Dimensions Actual:   W. of palm 0.075
Dimensions Preserved:   L. ca. 0.160
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece