"dc-date","Name","UserLevel","dc-subject","dc-creator","Chronology","Type","Id","dc-title","dc-description","Icon","Collection","Redirect","dc-publisher" "1902/05/08","I 17","","Inscription","","","Object","Corinth:Object:I 17","ROMAN INSCRIBED STATUE BASE: GREEK","Tall rectangular statue base (as joined). Three surfaces finely worked with claw chisel. Back flat, roughly worked with punch. Top: roughly picked, 2 foot prints with tenons for statue at least life-size. Lt. print set in 0.11 from lt. side, 0.22 from front, L. 0.33-00.34, W. 0.105 (ball); dowel under instep D. 0.05, larger one under heel with wider cutting around it; same for rt. Foot. Right foot forward, lt. back and turned out slightly to side.; Text inscribed over erased area of an earlier text.","Corinth:Image:bw 1660::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/1000-1999/1660_gp.jpg::1345::1800","Corinth","","" "1900","I 18","","Inscription","","","Object","Corinth:Object:I 18","NUMBER LAPSED","See I XXXX 0017.","Corinth:Image:bw 1660::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/1000-1999/1660_gp.jpg::1345::1800","Corinth","","" "1900","I 19","","Inscription","","","Object","Corinth:Object:I 19","ROMAN INSCRIBED STATUE BASE: GREEK","Tall rectangular statue base. Back roughly picked with punch. Top worked with point. Shallow tenon hole Diam. 0.055 m, depth 0.036 m, set back 00.41+ from face. Second tenon hole near rt. Edge 0.25 from it. No evidence of feet.","Corinth:Image:bw 0443::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/0001-0999/0443_gp.jpg::1319::1800","Corinth","","" "1900","I 20","","Inscription","","","Object","Corinth:Object:I 20","ROMAN INSCRIBED ARCHITRAVE-FRIEZE: LATIN","Architrave-frieze block with top fascia of architrave; crown H00.08, cyma reversa and fascia; frieze with compount curve pres. H00.235. Top roughly picked.","Corinth:Image:bw 7540::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/5000-9999/7540_int.jpg::1336::1800","Corinth","","" "1901/05/04","I 21","","Inscription","","","Object","Corinth:Object:I 21","ROMAN INSCRIBED STATUE BASE: GREEK","Rectangular block. In reuse, was carved with boxed squares of 9-man Morris game.","","Corinth","","" "","I 22","","Inscription","","","Object","Corinth:Object:I 22","","","","Corinth","","" "","I 23","","Inscription","","","Object","Corinth:Object:I 23","ROMAN INSCRIBED ARCHITRAVE-FRIEZE-GEISON BLOCK","Architrave-frieze block with 2-step architrave, frieze curving up to cyma reversa, geison with hanging drip, vertical face, crowning quarter round moulding. Inscribed on frieze.","","Corinth","","" "1899/04/14","I 24","","Inscription","","Block ER or MR; context Byzantine","Object","Corinth:Object:I 24","ROMAN INSCRIBED ARCHITRAVE-FRIEZE: LATIN, GREEK","Architrave-frieze block, recut by Byzantines and reinscribed. Original block: Architrave-frieze block with plain flat architrave, dressed with chisel, H00.087; crowning moulding H00.09, of cyma reversa and fascia; frieze has compound curve, H00.20; crowned by fillet, flattened quarter round. Top surface smoothly worked, back roughly picked with right 00.58 m. cut back at angle along the top. Pair of hook clamps in either end; pry hole 00.94 from lt. end, 2nd pry 00.24 from rt. end.","Corinth:Image:bw 1947::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/1000-1999/1947_gp.jpg::1800::1365","Corinth","",""