"Type","dc-subject","dc-date","Collection","dc-publisher","Icon","Name","dc-description","dc-title","dc-creator","Redirect","UserLevel","Chronology","Id" "Object","Minor Finds | PQ-Figurines","","Corinth","","","KT 24003","Fragment.","MALE FIGURINE","","","","","Corinth:Object:KT 24003" "Object","Minor Finds | PQ-Figurines","","Corinth","","","KT 24004","Fragment.","FEMALE FIGURINE","","","","","Corinth:Object:KT 24004" "Object","Minor Finds | PQ-Figurines","","Corinth","","","KT 24005","Fragment.","MALE FIGURINE WITH CAP","","","","","Corinth:Object:KT 24005" "Object","Minor Finds | PQ-Figurines","","Corinth","","","KT 24007","Fragment.","FEMALE FIGURINE","","","","","Corinth:Object:KT 24007" "Object","Minor Finds | PQ-Figurines","1931/04/22","Corinth","","","KT 24008","Fragment.","MALE FIGURINE WITH CONICAL CAP","","","","","Corinth:Object:KT 24008" "Object","Minor Finds | PQ-Figurines","1929/05/17","Corinth","","Corinth:Image:digital 2016 0009::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2016 season photos/2016_0009.jpg::2000::1428","KT 24009","Solid grotesque male head, back handmade and flat. Neck, small and tapering, forms projection which inserted into socket in neck of figurine. Top of head slightly conical. Forehead marked by long wrinkles. Brows heavy, pulled up in points, and outlined with narrow grooves. Eyeball formed by raised boss with depression in center to indicate pupil. Line of strongly marked upper lid continued in wrinkle running from outer corner of eye to ear. Nose projects nearly at right angles to forehead and is bent to right. Wings of nose strongly marked and asymmetrical. Cheek bones and jaw muscles very prominent. Mouth wide open. Upper lip droops in center. Deep wrinkles from corners of nose to mouth. Ears rendered by large shallow depressions with projecting rims. Stolen 1990; returned i/25/01. Intact. IFAR #720.","GROTESQUE FIGURINE, HEAD","","","","3rd quarter of 4th c., according to Corinth 15.2","Corinth:Object:KT 24009" "Object","Minor Finds | PQ-Figurines","1929/05/21","Corinth","","","KT 24009.1","Miniature terracotta mask of a comic actor (""leading slave"") with bulging eyes, wide open mouth, hollow cheeks, and pointy nose.","SMALL COMIC MASK","","","","","Corinth:Object:KT 24009.1" "Object","Minor Finds | PQ-Figurines","1930/06/07","Corinth","","","KT 24010","Fragment.","GROTESQUE FIGURINE, HEAD","","","","","Corinth:Object:KT 24010"