"Name","UserLevel","dc-creator","dc-title","Id","dc-subject","Chronology","Redirect","dc-description","Collection","Icon","dc-date","dc-publisher","Type" "MOS 1925 1","","","TESSELATED FLOOR: GOAT","Corinth:Object:MOS 1925 1","Architecture | Mosaic","Late Antonine or 2nd c., based on publications","","Figural panel from tesselated floor: mosaic with border on three sides. Tesserae of cubes range from H. 0.015 and W. 0.013 to H. 0.002 and W. 0.002; larger, more square for geometric designs and smaller, irregular, for figures. Most distinguishing feature is great range of colors giving vivacity to figure, objects, and background. Subtlety in handling of light and shadows, pulling picture into one unit; bag and pail make picture realistic. Important use of black line of mosaics all around figure of goat to make it stand out more clearly. When first found, Shear dated as Hellenistic; now considered Roman","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2015 3883::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2015 season photos/2015_3883.jpg::1124::2000","","","Object" "MOS 1925 2","","","TESSELATED FLOOR: HERDSMAN","Corinth:Object:MOS 1925 2","Architecture | Mosaic","","","Mosaic figural panel from tesselated floor. Border on all sides: guilloche. Tesserae of cubes range from H. 0.015 and W. 0.013 to H. 0.002 and W. 0.002; larger, more square for geometric designs and smaller, irregular, for figures. Glass used for bright green and blue colors. Cubes set in cement bt artist in his atelier working from painting and subsequently completed unit in one or more pieces brought to place it was to be set; laid as whole on cement foundation. Opus vermiculatum for figures. When first found, Shear dated as Hellenistic; now considered Roman.","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2015 3884::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2015 season photos/2015_3884.jpg::2000::1500","","","Object" "MOS 1925 3","","","TESSELATED FLOOR: DIONYSOS","Corinth:Object:MOS 1925 3","Architecture | Mosaic","","","Central panel from tesselated floor. In corners of panel: kantharoi with ivy. Circle with guilloche border inscribed in the square and filled with concentric circles, the spaces between the circles are decorated with triangles. In the center of the panel is a circle with a wave pattern border and a field with the head of Dionysos who has fruit and ivy in his hair.","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2013 0039::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2013 season photos/2013_0039.jpg::1285::1800","","","Object" "MOS 1933 2","","","AGONOTHETEION MOSAIC","Corinth:Object:MOS 1933 2","Architecture | Mosaic","1st c. in publication, more likely 2nd half 2nd to early 3rd c.","","Along front and back of room: diamond pattern with center cross framed by quadruple bands of white, red, and blue tesserae. Along sides, broken pieces of marble in ""crazy-quilt"" pattern, marble of different shapes and colors, thn broad white band with large tesserae framing main field. In field, intersecting circles in white, blue, and red, each with smaller circle in center, surrounding central panel. Panel: 12 squares with birds, flowers, enframed in quilloche; these surround emblema showing athlete, holding palm branch, in slightly 3/4 pose, at left; to rt., seated female, nude to hips, partially wrapped in himation, end of which resting on lt. shoulder. Faces 3/4 proper rt., holds shield on right knee; beside her left leg, large bowl on narrow floral pedestal.","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2016 1021::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2016 season photos/2016_1021.jpg::2000::1428","1933/05/30; 1933/05/09; 1933/04/29; 1933/05/29; 1933/05/29; 1933/05/09; 1933/05/05","","Object" "MOS 1934 1","","","TESSELATED FLOOR: NEREID ON TRITON'S BACK","Corinth:Object:MOS 1934 1","Architecture | Mosaic","","","Mosaic tesselated floor.","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2015 3652::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2015 season photos/2015_3652.jpg::2000::1428","1934/04/21; 1934/04/14; 1934/04/24; 1934/04/21; 1934/04/14; 1934/03/30; 1934/04/20; 1934/04/21; 1934/04/03; 1934/04/14; 1935; 1934/04/03; 1934/04/24; 1935; 1934/04/14","","Object" "MOS 1937 1","","","PEBBLE FLOOR","Corinth:Object:MOS 1937 1","Architecture | Mosaic","","","Fragment of pebble floor. Outer border of various colored pebbles set far apart and in haphazard fashion. Inner border: band of white. Field: two griffons attacking a horse; white figures on gray-blue ground, details in gray-blue.","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2021 0946::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2021 season photos/2021_0946.jpg::2048::1463","1937/03/29","","Object" "MOS 1962 1","","","TESSELATED FLOOR: THREE SECTIONS","Corinth:Object:MOS 1962 1","Architecture | Mosaic","last quarter 1st c. CE, according to Miller 1972; 3rd c. CE, according to Salieis 1987","","Tesselated floor with geometric designs and figural representations. Tesserae bedded in cement.","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2015 3878::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2015 season photos/2015_3878.jpg::1428::2000","","","Object"