"dc-title","Id","Chronology","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-creator","dc-subject","Type","dc-description","Icon","Name","dc-publisher","dc-date","Collection" "","Corinth:Monument:North Cemetery","","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, North | North Cemetery","Monument","The north cemetery is actually part of a much larger funerary area which extends along the plain below the lower terrace on which Corinth stands. Excavations in 1915 to 1918 and 1928 to 1930 revealed 530 graves representing Corinthian burial practices over the course of 1,600 years. The earliest burials were a cluster of 13 Middle Bronze Age burials, including one containing a gold diadem, perhaps originally covered by a tumulus. The next in date are 49 Geometric and 65 Protocorinthian graves. The remainder are Archaic, Classical and Early Hellenistic with a few of the Roman period. Later graves respected earlier burials taking care not to disturb them.; The favored burial practice is to place the body in a crouched position lying on one side in a built cist or, later, a limestone sarcophagus. Pottery and other objects perhaps used in the burial ceremony were placed in and around the sarcophagus.","Corinth:Drawing:184 000::/Corinth/Architectural_Plans/184_North_Cemetery/184_000.jpg::1800::1324","North Cemetery","","","Corinth" "","Corinth:Monument:North Cemetery, field of P. Kondyles","","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, North | North Cemetery | North Cemetery, field of P. Kondyles","Monument","","Corinth:Image:digital 2022 0901::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2022 season photos/2022_0901.jpg::2048::1463","North Cemetery, field of P. Kondyles","","","Corinth" "","Corinth:Monument:Yiriza","","","","","Corinthia | New Corinth | Yiriza","Monument","Plateau located 500 m west of Gonia. Blegen excavated 10 trenches with EH pottery in 1916.; LH II/IIIB (C?) chamber tomb cemetery was discovered in 1979 during illegal excavations in the Ginis property (Morgan, Isthmia VIII). The cemetery was described in Acropoli and Vradini newspapers. Seals from Tomb I are published in CMS.","Corinth:Image:bw 9392::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/5000-9999/9392_sh.jpg::1800::1427","Yiriza","","","Corinth" "","Corinth:Monument:Kraneion Basilica","","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, East | Kraneion | Kraneion Basilica","Monument","The Kraneion Basilica resembles the Lechaion Basilica but at a much smaller scale. It lacks an atrium but does have a baptistery on its north side. It is a cemetery church with ample evidence of vaulted brick built cist graves over a large area to the south and west. Within burial monuments have been added to and access the aisles. A complete Sigma Table was found in the cemetery to the south. The date of this basilica is considered to be 6th century and the lamps, pitchers and coins in the graves indicate that burial continued well into the 7th century.","Corinth:Image:bw 2226::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2226_gp.jpg::1800::1235","Kraneion Basilica","","","Corinth" "","Corinth:Monument:Shear Excavations","","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, West | Kokkinovrysi | North Cemetery | Theater | Shear Excavations | Shear Excavations","Monument","","Corinth:Image:bw 1985 105 17::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1985_105/1985_st_105_017.jpg::1800::1197","Shear Excavations","","","Corinth" "","Corinth:Monument:Old_Shear Excavations ?","","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, West | Kokkinovrysi | North Cemetery | Theater | Shear Excavations | Old_Shear Excavations ?","Monument","","","Old_Shear Excavations ?","","","Corinth" "","Corinth:Monument:Anaploga Sanctuary","","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, West | Anaploga | Anaploga Sanctuary","Monument","ASCSA director Henry Robinson undertook several small-scale excavations in the vicinity of Anaploga during the early 1960’s. One of these exposed a Roman house with ornate later 1st or 2nd century A.D. mosaic floors now on display in the museum at Corinth. Another excavation revealed a small cemetery and an inspection hole that opened onto over 700 meters of underground water channels. One of the wells excavated contained a large quantity of Early, Middle and Late Corinthian pottery (early 7th to mid-6th century B.C.), much of it restorable.","Corinth:Drawing:270 021::/Corinth/Architectural_Plans/270_Anaploga_Sanctuary/270_021.jpg::1800::1247","Anaploga Sanctuary","","","Corinth" "","Corinth:Monument:Old_Shear Excavations Theater ?","","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, West | Kokkinovrysi | North Cemetery | Theater District | Theater | Shear Excavations | Old_Shear Excavations Theater ?","Monument","","","Old_Shear Excavations Theater ?","","","Corinth"