"Redirect","dc-description","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-creator","Type","dc-date","dc-title","UserLevel","Id","Icon","Chronology","Collection" "","A peculiar diminutive vase in the form of a bird with extended wings. The heavy stem through which an opening seems to have communicated with the interior of the pot, did not provide a vertical support, but was adjusted at an oblique angle, slanting down forward. This fact and the curved shape of the fracture, with which the stem now ends, suggest that our little ; 0vase is part of a kernos, having been one of several similar vessels attached to, and connected by, a horizontal tubular ring. This bird is crudely represented. It has broad horizontal wings, flat on top. The head is only roughly indicated without details. The mouth of the vase, which is relatively narrow indicates that the general shape of the vessel is an askos. (Blegen, Zygouries, 81-83)","Z 1","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","","Object","","MINIATURE BIRD VESSEL","","Corinth:Object:Z 1","Corinth:Image:bw 1988 026 07::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1988_026/1988_st_026_007.jpg::1800::1203","","Corinth" "","Conical object; the surface of the base is slightly concave; in the top is a hole 9 mm in diameter, which diminishes almost to a point at its bottom, 0.01 m deep. On opposite sides of the cone, at a distance of 0.015 m. from the lower end, are two broad sturdy lugs protruding ca. 0.01 m. Much effort seems to have been spent on refining the shape which has been meticulously pared down with some delicate implement. (Blegen, Zygouries, page 186-187)","Z 2","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","","Object","","ANICONIC FIGURINE","","Corinth:Object:Z 2","Corinth:Image:bw 2002 014 10a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2002_014/2002_st_014_010A.jpg::1800::1201","","Corinth" "","Conical object; the base is flat; in the top is a hole, 0.012 m. in diameter and 0.027 m. deep, which grows smaller as it deepens. The lugs, at a height of 0.027 m. from the base, are relatively smaller than on the preceding example. No trace of paring is visible. (Blegen, Zygouries, pg 187)","Z 3","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","","Object","","ANICONIC FIGURINE","","Corinth:Object:Z 3","Corinth:Image:bw 1998 065 03a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1998_065/1998_st_065_003A.jpg::1800::1204","","Corinth" "","Conical object; the base is flat, but not made exactly at right angles to the vertical axis, in consequence of which the cone stands with a decided list. The hole in the top is 0.042 m. deep. The lugs are somewhat smaller in proportion than in the two preceding examples (Z2 and Z4). On account of the slanting base one lug is slightly higher than the other. (Blegen, Zygouries, 187)","Z 4","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","","Object","","ANICONIC FIGURINE","","Corinth:Object:Z 4","Corinth:Image:bw 1998 063 22a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1998_063/1998_st_063_022A.jpg::1800::1187","","Corinth" "","Complete or intact. Intact.","Z 5","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","","Object","","PHIALE","","Corinth:Object:Z 5","Corinth:Image:bw 1998 063 23a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1998_063/1998_st_063_023A.jpg::1183::1800","","Corinth" "","Zygouries","Z 6","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","","Object","","PHIALE","","Corinth:Object:Z 6","Corinth:Image:bw 1998 063 24a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1998_063/1998_st_063_024A.jpg::1800::1199","","Corinth" "","Zygouries","Z 7","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","","Object","","BOWL","","Corinth:Object:Z 7","Corinth:Image:bw 1998 063 25a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1998_063/1998_st_063_025A.jpg::1800::1234","","Corinth" "","Small pot with spout and basket handle, EH patterned ware, Class C I (Patterned Ware, Dark on light, Free/Open style) according to Blegen (Zygouries); Poorly made small pot with a basket handle (not preserved) and a tubular spout projecting from the middile of one side. Below the attachment of the handle at the back is an irregulra swelling which may be a crude attempt to imitiate a rivet head, or may mean that the handle was ridged (but there is no corresponding swelling at the front). The bottom of the vessel is flattened as a base with a concavity at its center. The body is inclined toward the globular in shape with an angle at the neck and a slightly splaying rim. (Blegen, Zygouries, pg 104)","Z 8","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","","Object","","SPOTTED FEEDING BOTTLE WITH BASKET HANDLE","","Corinth:Object:Z 8","","","Corinth"