"dc-subject","dc-description","dc-title","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-publisher","Name","Redirect","Chronology","Id","dc-creator","Icon","Type","Collection" "Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Forum | Central Shops","The central shops run from the Circular Monument to the Bema and from the Bema to the Doric colonnade extending from the West end of the South Stoa. The shops separated the Forum proper from the upper Forum in front of the South Stoa. The eastern series is of fifteen shops of which the central structure is larger than the others and had a tetrastyle portico. The interior was furnished with a marble floor and two bases against the rear wall probably supported statues. It may have been a cult room or office. The western series consists of fourteen shops culminating at a structure perhaps used for cult of Dionysus. The building has rectangular rooms flanking an semi-circular room and portico in front.; In the 5th century the shops were demolished and replaced by a staircase uniting the upper and lower levels of the Forum. This stair is the widest known in the ancient world.","","","","","Central Shops","","","Corinth:Monument:Central Shops","","Corinth:Drawing:025 001::/Corinth/Architectural_Plans/025_Central_shops_and_Bema/025_001.jpg::1800::942","Monument","Corinth"