"Redirect","dc-publisher","Name","Chronology","Id","dc-title","Collection","dc-creator","dc-date","dc-subject","Type","Icon","dc-description","UserLevel" "","","56","","Corinth:Notebook:56","Corinth 1909","Corinth","Dinsmoor, W.B.","10/05/1909 - 27/05/1909","","Notebook","Corinth:NotebookPage:NB 56, spread 5::/Corinth/notebooks_mid/0056/0056_s005.jpg::1843::1411","Theatre Trench XXXIV. Theatre Architecture, sculpture, inscriptions. Corinthian Tiles. Odeum Trench XLV. West Shops. Lerna Trench XVIII D. Peribolos of Apollo. Pedestal in W. Agora. Babbius Poros Building. Misc. Architectural Notes","" "","","62","","Corinth:Notebook:62","Corinth 1910-11","Corinth","Hill, B.H.","","","Notebook","Corinth:NotebookPage:NB 62, spread 5 (p. 3)::/Corinth/notebooks_mid/0062/0062_s005.jpg::1732::1357","Theatre. ""Wellereion."" Baths N. of Theatre. Odeum. N.W. Stoa. N.W. Shops. Captives Façade. ""Good High Wall"", N. Bldg. Basilica, Region of Martyra II3. Precinct, Temple B. ""Old Spring"" Peirene. East of Peirene. Peribolos of Apollo. N. of Peribolos. Village Water. General and Misc. Athikia.","" "","","63","","Corinth:Notebook:63","Corinth, 1910","Corinth","Dinsmoor, W.B.","","","Notebook","Corinth:NotebookPage:NB 63, spread 5::/Corinth/notebooks_mid/0063/0063_s005.jpg::1774::1345","Temple of Apollo. Trenches IX-XII. Odeum. Peribolos of Apollo. Acrocorinth. Modern Corinth houses for plan. Lech. Rd. Basilica. Great E.-W. line of survey. Peirene. Trench for drain N. of Peribolos. Drain in Peribolos. Marsyas statue. W. Shops. Survey of Roman Bath N. of theatre, also levels and description. Misc. Archit. Notes. Greek N. Bldg. Peirene. Thrench XI a. Great column drums. Apse of Peribolos. General survey. Mediaeval E. channel, Peirene. Flow in modern fountains.Water channels. Petro Skebes' cistern. Upper E channel, Peirene. Trench in Agora. Baths of Eurykles.",""