"dc-publisher","dc-date","Collection","Icon","Type","dc-title","dc-subject","Id","dc-creator","Name","UserLevel","dc-description","Redirect","Chronology" "","1927/05/25","Corinth","","Basket","Provenance unknown; not recorded in NB's","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Theater District | Odeion","Corinth:Basket:Odeion, Provenance unknown not recorded in NB's","","Odeion, Provenance unknown; not recorded in NB's","","Deposit","","" "","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2003 023 12a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2003_023/2003_st_023_012A.jpg::1800::1196","Image","Coin","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Theater District","Corinth:Image:bw 2003 023 12a","","bw 2003 023 12a","","specific view","","" "","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2003 023 13a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2003_023/2003_st_023_013A.jpg::1800::1186","Image","Coin","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Theater District","Corinth:Image:bw 2003 023 13a","","bw 2003 023 13a","","specific view","","" "","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 1978 060 08a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1978_060/1978_st_060_008A.jpg::1800::1195","Object","ROMAN RELIEF WARE BOWL","Pottery","Corinth:Object:C 1927 43","","C 1927 43","","Fragment of a body sherd, slight wheel ridging on interior.","","" "","1928/04/11","Corinth","","Basket","From between front and rear walls of scene buildin","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Theater District | Odeion","Corinth:Basket:Odeion, From between front and rear walls of scene buildin","","Odeion, From between front and rear walls of scene buildin","","Deposit","","" "","1928","Corinth","","Basket","Found outside of outer wall of cavea on west side","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Theater District | Odeion","Corinth:Basket:Odeion, Found outside of outer wall of cavea on west side","","Odeion, Found outside of outer wall of cavea on west side","","Deposit","","" "","1927/05/25","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2002 005 26::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2002_005/2002_st_005_026.jpg::1800::1183","Object","SMALL IMPORTED LAMP HOWLAND TYPE 25A","Lamps","Corinth:Object:L 1095","","L 1095","","Lamp with low flat base ring, concave undersurface, globular body contracting to narrow rim, articulated by groove, sloping down to small fill hole. Scar of large nozzle on body. Broneer identified it as type VII.","","4th to early 3rd c. B.C." "","1928","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 1995 006 01::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1995_006/1995_st_006_001.jpg::1192::1800","Object","GLAZED LAMP BRONEER TYPE XXII WITH RELIEF DISK: POLYPHEMUS, ODYSSEUS","Odyssey: Polyphemus, Odysseus","Corinth:Object:L 1462","","L 1462","","Lamp with flaring body, narrow flat rim, concave disk, surrounded by flat offset band; edge of small fill hole, near lower lt. edge of disk.; volute nozzle, of which base of one volute preserved.","","1st to early 2nd c. A.D."