"Id","dc-title","UserLevel","Redirect","Collection","Type","dc-publisher","dc-subject","Icon","Chronology","Name","dc-date","dc-creator","dc-description" "Corinth:Object:S 50","STATUE OF DRAPED MALE","","","Corinth","Object","","Sculpture | Stone Sculpture","Corinth:Image:bw 1973 089 08::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1973_089/1973_sh_089_008.jpg::1435::1800","2nd century A.D., Antonine period","S 50","1898/05/11","","Standing male figure, c. over life-size; weight on r. leg; l. leg bent and set slightly forward; l. arm bent ca.y 90 degrees at elbow; forearm extended with l. hand at waist level; r. arm held down slightly away from body; wears tunic, visible at neck, r. chest, and r. arm; over it, Roman toga hanging down from l. shoulder, around r. shoulder and r. hip; ends of toga fall vertically from extended l. forearm; balteus from l. shoulder to r. hip; no umbo; sinus at r. knee; edge of licinia touches top of l. foot; cylindrical support behind l. foot, from edge of toga to top of plinth; back of statue flat and roughly worked; drapery folds in front deeply carved and elaborately composed; drill work in some folds; apparently statue was originally sculpted as single piece with head; later reworked, head removed, and surface prepared for insertion of new head." "Corinth:Object:S 51","LIFE-SIZED STATUE OF DRAPED MALE","","","Corinth","Object","","Sculpture | Stone Sculpture","Corinth:Image:bw 1548::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/1000-1999/1548_gp.jpg::1800::1346","Antonine","S 51","1898/05/12","","Standing male figure, weight on l. leg, r. leg bent and placed slightly back, l. shoulder raised, both upper arms at sides, r. forearm pinned at elbow, l. forearm extended, hand pinned. Wears tunic, visible on r. chest and r. arm; over it Roman toga draped from l. shoulder; balteus from l. shoulder to r. side of waist, small umbo, sinus at r. knee; hem of toga falls vertically from l. wrist; elaborate rendering of drapery folds; deep cutting in shoulders for attachment of head; surface smoothly finished;some rasp marks visible, especially on back; drill work in folds."