"Id","dc-creator","dc-title","Type","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Name","Collection","Chronology","Redirect","dc-date","Icon","dc-description","dc-subject" "Corinth:Monument:Panayia","","","Monument","","","Panayia","Corinth","","","","Corinth:Image:slide 1732::/Corinth/Photos/slides/1000-1999/sl1732.jpg::1800::1199","The Panayia Field, southeast of the Forum, has been the site of excavations started in 1995 by Charles Williams and subsequently continued under the direction of Guy Sanders. Roman are the best preserved; these cut back earlier building phases to the level of their foundations. This fact means that Geometric, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and earlier Roman levels are represented only by features, such as graves, pits, foundations, cisterns and cellars, that cut into the pebbly red “stereo” or bedrock.","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Panayia" "Corinth:Object:S 1997 3a","","BANQUETING HERO RELIEF","Object","","","S 1997 3a","Corinth","Classical","","1997/06/20","Corinth:Image:digital 2015 1910::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2015 season photos/2015_1910.jpg::1800::1200","Relief with roughly punched back, flat surfaces worked with flat chisel on bottom and edge. On face: projecting fascia along bottom H00.011, no frame at rt., sculpture extending to edge. Reclining banqueter, preserved from shoulders to ca. knees, lt. arm; reclining on lt. arm on a pillow, torso frontal, legs extended to lt. Semi-draped in a himation that covers lower half of torso and legs, lt. arm from biceps down. Reclines on a mattress and couch, frame of which makes a clear band beneath body to rt. edge; tall plain couch leg set in 00.01 m. from rt. edge; beneath couch top and recessed slightly from its surface is a long sheet with possible draping folds; just to lt. of couch leg in low relief is a broader leg (?) which extends behind sheet. No sign of a table with food.","Banqueting Hero"